Museum open Wed–Mon, Sea Center open daily; both 10:00 AM–5:00 PM

Science Pub: Plants in a Changing Climate

At Dargan's Irish Pub & Restaurant, 18 E. Ortega Street

April 8, 2024 / 6:30 PM–8:00 PM

The global climate is now changing faster than we can measure. How can we predict and try to mitigate the ecological impacts of climate change? When the growing gets tough, ecologists get going to learn how the science of plant stress responses can help us anticipate climate impacts and hopefully foster climate-resilient ecosystems.

Leander Anderegg, Ph. D, plant ecologist and ecophysiologist at UC Santa Barbara, was inspired to pursue his work when his favorite forests started dying off en masse due to climate change. With his focus on the Western U.S., his ultimate goal is to help land managers foster healthy ecosystems so that his daughters can have the same childhood in the woods that he had.

Come discover how Dr. Anderegg and his colleagues at the LEAF (the Landscape Ecophysiology And Function) Lab, study how the physiology of plants determines their responses to climate change, particularly extreme events like droughts, heat waves and fires.

Join our fun and friendly conversation and quench your thirst for knowledge about science and nature in this ongoing series of free science talks held on the second Monday of every month. No tickets or reservations required, but be sure to get to Dargan’s (18 E. Ortega St. in downtown Santa Barbara) early to secure a seat and order your favorite food and drink.

For more information, contact Jessica Prichard at 805-682-4711 ex. 108 or