Volunteer Museum Educator Open House
At the Museum
The Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History will host an Open House for volunteer Museum educators on Tuesday, September 10, 10:00–11:30 AM for anyone interested in leading school groups on field trips at the Museum. Come learn about new and continuing volunteer opportunities at the Museum and Sea Center and get a chance to meet and mingle with our stellar group of Museum Educators.
Volunteer Museum educators lead schoolchildren in programs designed by Museum staff to nurture children’s natural curiosity and interest in collaboration. Becoming a Museum educator requires no prior experience: Museum staff offer in-depth training and all of the support and flexibility a Museum educator needs to succeed. In addition to learning from the in-depth training—drawing on Museum experts in a wide array of topics—volunteers also enjoy camaraderie and learn from each other across their varied backgrounds.
New Museum educators commit to attending training classes on Tuesdays 10:00–11:30 AM, plus one additional weekday morning to shadow experienced educators or lead tours when ready.
For more information, visit our Museum volunteer opportunities page or contact School Programs Manager Jessica Prichard at jprichard@sbnature2.org.